Upgrading the PATRIOT database
10 PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
❖ Adding the PATRIOTdbConnection
1 Connect to Jaguar Manager as jagadmin.
2Expand Jaguar Manager | Connection Caches.
3 Right-click PATRIOTdbConnection, choose Connection Cache
When the Connection Cache Properties sheet appears, the General tab is
in focus.
4In the User Name box, change the sa user name to patriotlogin.
5In the Password box, type password.
6 Click Refresh, then click Ping to test the connection.
7 Click OK to return to Jaguar Manager.
❖ Adding the PortalInterfaceCache connection
1 Right-click PortalInterfaceCache, choose Connection Cache
The Connection Cache Properties panel appears.
2In the User Name box, change the sa user name to portaliflogin.
3In the Password box, type password.
4 Click Refresh, then click Ping to test the connection.
5 Click OK to return to Jaguar Manager.
❖ Adding the epSearchCache connection
1 Right-click epSearchCache and select Connection Cache Properties.
2In the User Name box, change the sa user name to epsearchlogin.
3In the Password box, type password.
4 Click Refresh, then click Ping to test the connection.
5 Click OK to return to Jaguar Manager.
6 Shut down and restart Jaguar Server.
Known issue
Non-sa user connection caches to the PATRIOT database lack the appropriate
authority to retrieve data from ASE sybsecurity database. Granting system
security officer role (sso_role) to the user of patriot database connection
resolves this issue. You must run the following procedure for the Pat Audit
Trail portlet to work properly.