381295 V1.4V 10/06
Triggering on a Waveform
Triggering tells the Meter when to begin displaying a waveform. The instructions that
follow explain how to:
• Select a Channel
• Select rising or falling edge on which to trigger
• Define the condition for a new update of the waveform.
The display icons on the top line (right side) of the LCD identify the trigger parameters
currently used. Trigger icons on the screen indicate the trigger level and slope.
(1) Trigger Channel: Channel A or B
(2) Slope: rising or falling
(3) Trigger mode: Trigger setting mode
(Auto or Normal)
(4) Trigger Level indicator
(5) Trigger Cursor
(6) Command Menu: Trigger level
(7) Command Menu: Single shot
(8) Command Menu: Trigger mode (Setup)
Setting Trigger level (on NORmal trigger mode)
TRIG Open the Trigger menu
Singl Tmode Exit
F1 F2 F3 F4
Adjust the Trigger Level continuously. Observe the horizontal trigger icon on the
rightmost time division line.
F4 Exit.