Evolution MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced User Guide
The Evolution Librarian Software is a Windows PC librarian program developed for
Evolution products. The program not only works with the MK-425C/449C/461C key-
boards but is also compatible with the Evolution UC-33e USB controller. That means
you can use one librarian package for both your keyboard and your controller, if you
own a UC-33e
And even better, you can swap patches between Evolution products that’s supported
by the Librarian so you never have to create the same patch twice.
The librarian itself, allows you to send and receive the 10 patches to and from the
MK-425C/449C/461C, load and save memory banks, view how individual patches
have been programmed and drag and drop patches in order to create new
combinations in the 10 memory locations.
1. Insert the Evolution Installer CD-ROM in to your CD-ROM drive.
2. Click on “Librarian Installer”
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process
Once the installation has been completed, launch the program. The following is a
screenshot of what you should be seeing on your monitor.
About The Evolution Librarian Software
Installing The Evolution Librarian Software
Evolution MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced User Guide
A list of NRPN’s will always be given in the User Manual of a device that receives NRPN
messages. It is always necessary that the NRPN MSB and LSB are sent together. Both will
be specified in the device’s manual. You may find the manufacturer’s have only specified
the numbers in Hexadecimal format. In this case, use Appendix C to translate the value to
Your Evolution keyboard makes the process of transmitting NRPN’s easy. All you need is
to enter the appropriate NRPN LSB by pressing the LSB/DATA button twice, enter the
NRPN MSB by pressing the MSB/DATA button twice, and as you move the controller, an
appropriate NRPN message will be sent out. Assign NRPN coarse to make big sweeps,
or NRPN fine to make slight adjustments.
System Exclusive (SysEx) messages were defined in the MIDI specification to allow
individual devices to have individual control via MIDI. The format of SysEx messages
allows for virtually any function to be performed via MIDI – so long as the receiving device
is able to translate the message, and act accordingly. This allows devices to send audio
sample memory data, memory dumps, controller settings, and much more. It also allows
the controllers of one device to be controlled by another.
It is not possible to program your own specified SysEx message into the MK-
425C/449C/461C. However, there are some useful SysEx messages pre-programmed into
the keyboard, that can be accessed by assigning the appropriate MIDI CC to a controller
(see Appendix B)
It should be noted that a SysEx message is not transmitted on any specified channel. All
SysEx messages contain a device ID, that is used to single out devices to respond to the
SysEx message. All other devices are ignored. If you are using a SysEx message on the
MK-425C/449C/461C, the global channel is ignored. When you press CHANNEL, instead
of entering a channel for the controller, you will be enter a device ID instead. This is
indicated by the fact that the Chan symbol will not be showing.
Device ID’s run from 00 to 127. 127 is the default device number setting on the
MK-425C/449C/461C. This setting transmits the SysEx message to all devices.
Although it is not possible to program the controllers of the MK-425C/449C/461C with your
own SysEx messages, there are software applications that can receive a MIDI input signal
and transmit a different, user specified message. You can program your SysEx messages
into the translator software, then translate the incoming data from the keyboard to your
SysEx, depending on the controller you are using.
SysEx Explained