Moving the SLIDER transmits MIDI CONTROL CHANGE messages to any connected equipment. The Slider
defaults to sending Channel Volume messages on the selected channel, but you can re-assign the slider to any
other controller.
1 – 127
Standard MIDI controllers
Pitch Bend Sensitivity
Fine Tune
Coarse Tune
Channel Pressure
With Evolution 249/361. Press the SLIDER ASSIGN switches (PROGRAM & BANK LSB) together and the LED
starts to flash showing the number of the present MIDI controller.
Use numeric keys 0-9 to select a new MIDI controller. You can also use the +/- switches to increase or
decrease the value of the number.
With Evolution 225C/249C/361C. Press the CONTROL SELECT switches (MEMORY & PROGRAM) and the
LED starts to flash showing the number of the present MIDI controller.
Move the slider. Alternatively, press numeric keys 0-9 to select a new MIDI controller. You can also use the +/-
switches to increase or decrease the value of the number. The LED display should flash C13.
Note: * If you do nothing for 3 seconds, the LED will return to show the current PROGRAM CHANGE number.
* If the number you press is not in the range of defined numbers, the previous number will be retained.
* When you assign 120 or 121 as the MIDI controller for the WHEEL, you should move the MODULATION
Wheel to the mid-value then return it to the minimum value to send a relative MIDI message.
See Appendix B for a full list of controller numbers.
Moving the PITCH BEND WHEEL transmits MIDI PITCH BEND messages to any connected equipment. This
allows you to bend the pitch of a sound up (or down one tone) to add expression to your performance.
To bend the sound up: Move the WHEEL away from you.
To bend the sound down: Move the WHEEL towards you.
Use the WHEEL to transmit MIDI CONTROL CHANGE messages. You can select and assign 119 types of MIDI
functions (1-31, 33-95, 102-121, 128-132)
1 –127
Standard MIDI controllers
Pitch Bend Sensitivity
Fine Tune
Coarse Tune
Channel Pressure
With Evolution 249/361. Press the WHEEL ASSIGN switches (MEMORY & PROGRAM) together and the LED
starts to flash showing the number of the present MIDI controller.
Use numeric keys 0-9 to select a new MIDI controller. You can also use the +/- switches to increase or decrease the
value of the number.
With Evolution 225C/249C/361C. Press the CONTROL SELECT switches (MEMORY & PROGRAM) and the LED
starts to flash showing the number of the present MIDI controller.
Either move the wheel, or press numeric keys 0-9 to select a new MIDI controller. You can also use the +/- switches
to increase or decrease the value of the number. The LED display should flash C14.
Note: * If you do nothing for 3 seconds, the LED will return to show the current PROGRAM CHANGE number.
* If the number you press is not in the range of defined numbers, the previous number will be retained.
* When you assign 120 or 121 as the MIDI controller for the WHEEL, you should move the MODULATION
Wheel to the mid-value then return it to the minimum value to send a relative MIDI message.
* See Appendix B for a full list of controller numbers.