4. Electronic Monitoring System :
As earlier explained, Aquaguard Classic is designed to
switch off automatically in case the purification is
inadequate or in case any physical impurities are
present in water.
In case water does not flow when you switch on the
Aquaguard Classic and the red LED blinks, call our
service department.
But before you do so, check for any disruption in the
water supply or mains electricity supply to the Aquaguard
Classic. If both are functioning normally, check the fuse.
In case the fuse in the unit has blown, here’s what you
can do :
1. Firstly remember, the fuse is at the back of the
Aquaguard Classic (see visual on page no. 5)
2. Now disconnect the power supply.
3. Unscrew the cover and remove the fuse.
4. Replace with a new fuse (500 mA) and secure properly.