and thank you for buying the GA628, a product spe-
cially suited for the user who wants an Ericsson mo-
bile phone a little bit out of the ordinary but with the
same reliability and high quality that all other Ericsson
The GA628 comes with a wide range of front panels
that makes it possible for you to match the phone to
suit your different moods.
Ericsson’s mobile phones are produced to meet high
quality standards and are marked with the sym-
This manual introduces you to your mobile phone and
shows you how to get the most out of your new prod-
uct and contains the following information:
An introduction to your phone and how to make it
ready for use.
How to deal with phone calls and all the features
available to you before, during and after a telephone
How to personalize and set up the phone to meet your
requirements in the every day use of your phone.
An explanation of how network services can help you
to always keep in touch with other people and the lat-
est area information.
How it is possible to keep track of and restrict phone
We advise you to read the safety information before
you start using your phone.