To Call:
• An individual radio, enter the 5-digit radio ID.
• A digital individual radio, press “3” + 5-digit radio ID.
• A group of radios, press “2” + 4-digit group ID.
• A digital group of radios, press “3” + “2” + 4-digit group ID.
Example 1: To call radio 6107
• Dial the EDACS telephone number.
• At the dial tone, enter the EDACS selector (optional).
• Enter “0” + “6” + “1” + “0” + “7” (Remember the LID must be 5
digits, i.e. 06107).
Example 2: To call group 372
• Dial the EDACS telephone number.
• At the dial tone, enter the EDACS selector (optional).
• Enter “2” + “0” + “3” +”7” + “2” (Remember the GID must be 4
digits , i.e. 0372).
Some systems will be set up using feature and authorization codes that
are a variable number of digits. (Contact your System Administrator
for more information.) The authorization code must be entered after
the EDACS selector and before the digits specifying call type and
radio ID.
Example 3: This is the same call to group 372 as described in
Example 2 except that the authorization code “*6*123#” is required
and the EDACS selector is “8”.
• Dial the EDACS telephone number.
• At the dial tone, enter the EDACS selector (“8”).
• Enter the authorization code “*” + “6”
+ “*” + “1” + “2” + “3” +
• Enter “2” + “0” + “3” + “7” + “2”.
Ending a call
Simply hang up the phone.
The Jessica system contains a small business telephone switch that
allows flexible use of radios and telephones. The sections below present
instructions on how to use a radio or a telephone to complete several
types of tasks with Jessica.
The chart below shows how to use a radio to accomplish several
tasks with Jessica.
Accomplishing Task with Jessica
Placing a PSTN
destination call
See your radio operator's manual for
specific usage on interconnect calls.
Number requires a Least-Cost Routing
(LCR) code as the leading digit of the
destination phone number. The LCR is
customer-defined, but typically is "9."
Once the number is passed through Jessica
and into the PSTN, the radio user will hear
Placing a PBX
destination call
Once the number is passed through
Jessica, the radio user will hear ringing.
Receiving a call
To an EDACS radio user, reception of a
PSTN- or PBX-originated call involves
pressing the PTT button to answer it.