> For directory assistance in another area, enter , the Area
Code, and 555-1212. Press . After receiving the
number, stay on the line to be connected to that number.
Applicable usage charges apply.
> To charge a call to your credit card, enter and press
TALK – or enter plus the number you are calling and
press TALK.
Other Ways To Contact Omnipoint:
To send a fax to Omnipoint, dial:
1-888-OCI-5171 (1-888-624-5171)
To visit the Omnipoint site on the Internet, our address is:
You can also write to us at:
Customer Care Center
P.O. Box 21990
Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-1990
Omnipoint Customer Care is always available to serve you –
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Here’s our number again: 1-888-OMNI-611. If you’re using your
handset, all you have to do is dial .
All calls to Omnipoint Customer Care are made at no charge to your
Customer Care can help you with many things:
> Providing information on Omnipoint feature packages, pricing,
and special Omnipoint features.
> Making changes in your Omnipoint feature package.
> Answering questions about your Omnipoint Monthly
> Giving assistance if your handset is lost or stolen.
> Finding an Authorized Service Center for your handset, battery,
or battery charger.
Other numbers you can call:
> In an emergency, enter and press .
> For local directory assistance, enter and press
. After receiving the number, stay on the line to be
connected to that number. Applicable usage charges apply.
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