Setting Schedule
Daylight Saving Time screen
You can display the list of registered schedules.
When you select Edit on a registered schedule or New Event, the Clock /
Schedule Setting screen is displayed.
You can register up to 30 events.
Clock / Schedule Setting screen
Sub Menu Function
Date Set today's date in the projector.
Time Set the current time in the projector.
Time Difference
Set the time difference from Coordinated
Universal Time.
Change DST Settings Displays the screen to set the daylight saving
Use Internet Time Set to On to update the time automatically
through an Internet time server.
Internet Time Server Input the IP address for an Internet time server.
Sub Menu Function
Daylight Saving Time Set whether or not (On/Off) to activate the
daylight saving time.
DST Start Set the date and time to start the daylight saving
DST End Set the date and time to end the daylight saving
DST Adjustment
Adjusts the time difference between the
standard time and the daylight saving time.
Sub Menu Function
Event Settings Select an operation of the projector when the
event is executed.
Date / Time Settings Set the date and time to execute the event.