Screen or Projection distance
image size
Wide to Tele
1 50 inches 58.7 to 95.7 inches (149 to 243 cm)
2 80 inches 94 to 153.5 inches (239 to 390 cm)
3 100 inches 118.1 to 192.1 inches (300 to 488 cm)
4 150 inches 177.6 to 288.6 inches (451 to 733 cm)
Parent topic: Projector Placement
Projector Connections
You can connect the projector to a variety of computer, video, and audio sources to display
presentations, movies, or other images, with or without sound.
• Connect any type of computer that has a USB port or standard video output (monitor) port.
• For video projection, connect devices such as DVD players, gaming consoles, digital cameras, and
camera phones with compatible video output ports.
• If your presentation or video includes sound, you can connect audio input cables, if necessary.
Caution: If you will use the projector at altitudes above 4921 feet (1500 m), turn on High Altitude Mode
to ensure the projector's internal temperature is regulated properly.
Connecting to Computer Sources
Connecting to Video Sources
Parent topic: Setting Up the Projector
Related references
Product Box Contents
Projector Setup Settings - Extended Menu
Connecting to Computer Sources
Follow the instructions in these sections to connect a computer to the projector.
Connecting to a Computer for USB Video and Audio
Connecting to a Computer for VGA Video
Connecting to a Computer for USB Mouse Control