
5 Power-Down Control
This chapter describes the controls used to reduce power consumption of the device.
Points on power saving
The current consumption of the device varies greatly with the CPU's operation mode, the system clocks used,
and the peripheral circuits operated.
Current consumption low←→high
CPU/BCU SLEEP HALT2 Operating HALT2 HALT(basic) Operating
System clock OSC1 OSC1 OSC3 OSC3 OSC3
OSC3 oscillation circuit OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON
Prescaler/peripheral circuit STOP RUN
To reduce power consumption of the device, it is important that as many unnecessary circuits as possible be
turned off. In particular, peripheral circuits operating at a fast-clock rate consume a large amount of current,
so design the program so that these circuits are turned off whenever unnecessary.
Power-saving in standby modes
When CPU processing is unnecessary, such as when waiting for an interrupt from key entries or peripheral
circuits, place the device in standby mode to reduce current consumption.
Standby mode Method to enter the mode Circuits/functions stopped
Basic HALT mode Execute the halt instruction after setting HLT2OP
(D3)/Clock option register (0x40190) to "0".
When the #BUSREQ signal is asserted from an
external bus master while SEPD (D1)/Bus control
register (0x4812E) = "1".
CPU (DMA cannot be used.)
HALT2 mode Execute the halt instruction after setting HLT2OP
to "1".
CPU, BCU, bus clock, and DMA
SLEEP mode Execute the slp instruction. CPU, BCU, bus clock, DMA, high-speed
(OSC3) oscillation circuit, prescaler, and
peripheral circuits that use the prescaler
output clocks
HLT2OP (D3)/Clock option register (0x40190) that is used to select a HALT mode is set to "0" (basic HALT
mode) at initial reset.
Notes:•In systems in which DRAM or SDRAM is connected directly to the device, the refresh function is
turned off during HALT2 and SLEEP modes. However, the SDRAM self refresh function can be
used by activating it before the CPU enters HALT2 or SLEEP mode.
•The standby mode is cleared by interrupt generation (except for the basic HALT mode, which is
set using an external bus master). Therefore, before entering standby mode, set the related
registers to allow an interrupt to be used to clear the standby mode to be generated.
•When clearing the standby mode with an interrupt from port input, the interrupt operates as a
level interrupt regardless of the interrupt trigger setting. When edge trigger is set for the interrupt
trigger, attention must be paid to the port level during standby mode.
The low-speed (OSC1) oscillation circuit and clock timer continue operating even during SLEEP mode. If
they are unnecessary, these circuits can also be turned off.
Function Control bit "1" "0" Default
Low-speed (OSC1) oscillation ON/OFF control SOSC1(D0)/
Power control register(0x40180)
Switching over the system clocks
Normally, the system is clocked by the high-speed (OSC3) oscillation clock. If high-speed operation is
unnecessary, switch the system clock to the low-speed (OSC1) oscillation clock and turn off the high-speed
(OSC3) oscillation circuit. This helps to reduce current consumption. However, if DRAM is connected
directly to the device, note that the refresh function is also turned off.
Even during operation using the high-speed (OSC3) oscillation clock, power reduction can also be achieved
through the use of a system clock derived from the OSC3 clock by dividing it (1/1, 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8).