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PRINT Image Matching and Exif Print
Your Epson Stylus Photo R1800 printer supports these innovative digital image
formats to give you the best photo prints possible:
■ PRINT Image Matching
(both P.I.M. and P.I.M. II)
■ Exif Print
About PRINT Image Matching
Epson’s revolutionary PRINT Image Matching (P.I.M.) technology lets your digital
camera and printer work together automatically to produce the best prints possible.
Digital camera manufacturers that support PRINT Image Matching include Epson,
Fujifilm, JVC,
NEC, Nikon,
Sharp, Sony,
and Toshiba.
Check with your camera’s
manufacturer or visit www.printimagematching.com to find out if PRINT Image
Matching technology is included with your camera.
With PRINT Image Matching, the digital camera manufacturer can set specific
printing options for each camera model. These options include:
■ contrast, sharpness, and brightness
■ gamma level, color space, color saturation, and noise reduction
■ shadow point, highlight point, and color balance
The camera saves this information in each JPEG or TIFF image file. Your printer—
along with the P.I.M. II Plug-in for Adobe
(included with your
printer)—uses the information to ensure the most accurate image reproduction.
But don’t worry if your camera doesn’t include PRINT Image Matching
technology—your Epson Stylus Photo R1800 gives great photo printing results, just
without the adjustments P.I.M.-enabled cameras may add.