Index 99
A/V cable, 5, 15 to 18
A/V Mute, 33, 44, 46
About menu, 38, 48
Accessories, 7, 73
Adapters, Macintosh, 7, 81 to 82
Advanced menu, 38, 46 to 47
Air filter, cleaning and replacing, 53 to 54
Anti-theft device, 7, 11
Aspect ratio, 93
adjusting volume, 42
cable, 2, 14, 79, 83
connecting desktop, 79, 83
connecting laptop, 14
menu, 38, 42
problems, troubleshooting, 70
turning off, 33
Auto button, 40
Auto Keystone correction, 11, 27, 38, 45
Auto Setup setting, 40
Battery, replacing, 35
Blank screen, 22 to 24
Blurry image, 69
Brightness, 1, 47, 93
Brightness Control setting, 47
Brightness setting, 41
Cables, 5 to 7
Camcorder, connecting to, 15 to 17
Carrying case, 5, 7, 59
Ceiling mount, 7, 47, 76
air filter, 53 to 54
lens, 52
projector case, 52
adjusting, 47
problems, 70
specifications, 93
Color Mode Prompt setting, 46
Color Mode setting, 28, 41
Component video cable, 6 to 7, 15, 18
Composite video cable, 15
button, 32, 65, 70
cable, 5, 12, 77, 81 to 82
connector pin assignments, 97
support, 1
Connecting projector
to a desktop Macintosh, 80 to 83
to a desktop PC, 76 to 79
to a high-end workstation, 84
to a laptop, 12 to 15
to a video source, 15 to 18
Connector pin assignments, 97
Contrast setting, 41, 93
Declaration of Conformity, 88
Default settings, restoring, 39, 49
Desktop adapter, Macintosh, 81 to 82
Desktop computer, connecting to, 76 to 83
Digital camera, connecting to, 15 to 17
Dimensions, 94
Directional buttons, 34
Distance from projector to screen, 10, 93
Documentation, using, 3 to 4
DVD player, connecting to, 15 to 18
Electrical specifications, 94
Enter button, 34
Environmental specifications, 95