Expansion slot
A particular kind of connector that can accommodate an
option card. You can use the expansion slot in your Equity
LT-286e, for example, to connect a 2/4ze, IBM AT-compatible
option card, such as a LAN card or FAX board.
A suffix of up to three characters you can add to a filename.
External command
A command MS-DOS stores in a program file. The FORMAT
command, for example, is stored in the file FORMAT.COM.
To perform an external command, MS-DOS must be able to
find the appropriate program file. External commands are
distinguished from internal commands (such as DIR or
ERASE), which are not stored in separate program files.
A group of related pieces of information (sometimes called
records or entries) stored together on a disk. Text files consist of
words and sentences. Program files consist of code. Computers
use program files to perform instructions.
A name of up to eight characters MS-DOS uses to identify a
FL backlighting
The LCD screen panel type. It consists of a double-layered
structure to provide a high-contrast font pattern on a white
background. Brightness originates from two fluorescent tubes.
The display is black on white or white on black.