Supported Monitor Displays
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Supported Monitor Displays
The projector displays images at a resolution of 1024 × 768
pixels (EMP-8000/8000NL) or 1366 × 1024pixels (EMP-
9000/9000NL). To display a higher resolution image, the
projector compresses it to 1024 × 768 (EMP-8000/8000NL)
or 1366 × 1024 (EMP-9000/9000NL). The following table
lists the display formats supported by the projector:
Format Hor Pix
Ver Pix
H. Freq
V. Freq
PC98 PC98 640 400 24.82 56.42
PC/AT VGACGA 640 400 31.46 70.00
DOS/V VGAEGA 640 350 31.46 70.00
VGA60 640 480 31.47 59.94
VESA72 640 480 37.86 72.81
VESA75 640 480 37.50 75.00
VESA85 640 480 43.27 85.01
SVGA56 800 600 35.16 56.25
SVGA60 800 600 37.88 60.32
SVGA72 800 600 48.08 72.19
SVGA75 800 600 46.88 75.00
SVGA85 800 600 53.67 85.06
XGA43I 1024 768 35.52 43.48
XGA60 1024 768 48.36 60.00
XGA70 1024 768 56.48 70.07
XGA75 1024 768 60.02 75.03
XGA85 1024 768 68.68 85.00
SXGA1_70 1152 864 63.85 70.01
SXGA1_75 1152 864 67.50 75.00
SXGA1_85 1152 864 77.09 85.00
SXGA2-60 1280 960 60.00 60.00
SXGA2-75 1280 960 75.00 75.00
SXGA2-85 1280 960 85.94 85.00
SXGA3_43i 1280 1024 46.43 43.44
SXGA3_60 1280 1024 63.98 60.02
SXGA3_75 1280 1024 79.98 75.03