If you installed a diskette drive in the upper bay, it is drive B;
the lower drive is A. However, if you want to reassign the
upper diskette drive as drive A, you can change jumpers J35
through J38. See Chapter 3 for instructions.
Removing a Drive from the Upper Drive Bay
To remove a drive from the upper drive bay, follow these steps:
Remove both the ribbon cable connector and the power
cable connector from the drive.
Remove the screws securing the drive.
Reach behind the drive and gently push it to the front of the
bay; then pull it out of the slot.
Once you have removed the drive, replace the faceplate by
inserting one side of the plate, then gently guiding the other
side into place. You will hear it snap into place.
Reconnecting the Drive and Power Cables to the
Diskette Drive in the Lower Drive Bay
If for any reason you had to disconnect the drive and power
cables from the diskette drive mounted in the lower drive bay,
refer to the illustration below while you follow these steps to
reconnect the cables:
Locate the pin connector on the diskette drive ribbon cable.
Installing and Removing Drives