By setting the Mail Notification function from the projector's
Configuration Menu, notification messages will be sent to the preset email
addresses when a problem or warning occurs with a projector. This will
enable the operator to be notified of problems with projectors even at
locations away from the projectors.
s Network Menu - Mail p.64
s Network Menu - Mail Menu p.79
• Up to a maximum of three notification destinations (Addresses) can
be recorded, and notification messages can be sent to all three
destinations at once.
• If a projector develops a critical problem and suddenly stops
working, it may not be able to send a message notifying an operator
of the problem.
• Monitoring is possible if Standby Mode is set to Communication
On from the Extended menu of the projector's Configuration Menu,
even if the projector is in standby state (when the power is off).
s p.61
Reading Problem Mail Notification Function
When the Mail Notification function is set to On and a problem/warning
occurs in the projector, the following e-mail is sent.
Subject: EPSON Projector
Line 1: The name of the projector where the problem has occurred
Line 2: The IP address set for the projector where the problem has
Line 3 and on: Details of the problem
The details of the problem are listed line by line. The following table shows
the details that are given in the message for each item. To deal with
problems/warnings, see "Reading the Indicators"
s p.87
Message Cause (Problems/Warnings)
Clean Air Filter Air Filter Notice
Fan related error Fan Error
High-speed cooling in progress High Temp Warning
Internal error Internal Error
Internal temperature error High Temp Error
Lamp cover is open. Lamp Cover Open
Lamp out Lamp Error
Lamp replacement notification Replace Lamp
Lamp timer failure Lamp Failure
Low Air Flow Low Air Flow
Low Air Flow Error Filter Airflow Error
No-signal No Signal
No Signal is input to the projector. Check
the connection status or check that the
power for the signal source is turned on.
Power Err. (Ballast) Power Err. (Ballast)
Sensor error Sensor Error
A (+) or (-) appears at the start of the message.
(+): A projector problem has occurred
(-): A projector problem has been dealt with
Using the Mail Notification Function to Report Problems