Presenting Through a
Wireless Network
This chapter tells you how to send pictures to the projector through
a wireless network. Using EMP NS Connection, you can project
images shown on your computer screen—including text, graphics,
and video—directly to your audience.
You’ll find instructions in this chapter on:
■ Starting EasyMP
■ Configuring basic settings
■ Connecting to the projector in Ad Hoc (computer-to-computer)
mode or Access Point (infrastructure) mode
■ Using wireless security options
■ Projecting wirelessly
■ Multi-screen projection
■ Projecting video clips
■ Using special presentation modes
■ Removing the wireless 802.11g/b/a module
■ Projecting from a wired LAN
■ Sending e-mail alerts from the projector
Before starting, make sure you’ve installed EMP NS Connection as
described on page 171 for each computer you want to connect to the
projector. Then follow the steps in this chapter to start EasyMP,
configure your projector and computer, and run EMP
NS Connection.