Power light Status light Lamp light Temp light Status and solution
Off Flashing blue Off Flashing A fan or sensor has a problem. Turn
orange the projector off, unplug it, and
contact Epson for help.
Off Flashing blue Flashing Flashing Auto Iris error. Turn the projector off,
orange orange unplug it, and contact Epson for help.
Off Flashing blue Orange Orange Power error (ballast). Turn the
projector off, unplug it, and contact
Epson for help.
Obstacle detection error. A message
is displayed: "For safety purposes
remove any obstacles blocking the
• Remove any obstacles.
• Clean the obstacle sensor.
• If the detection error continues, turn
the projector off, unplug it, and
contact Epson for help.
Off Flashing blue Flashing Off Internal projector error. Turn the
orange projector off, unplug it, and contact
Epson for help.
Note: If the lights display a pattern not listed in the table above, turn the projector off, unplug it, and
contact Epson for help.
Parent topic: Solving Problems
Using the Projector Help Displays
You can display information to help you solve common problems using the projector's Help system.
1. Turn on the projector.
2. Press the Help button on the projector or the remote control.
You see the Help menu.