
Main specifications
1 Color system PAL
2 Pickup element Interline transfer type CCD
Total pixels 795(H)596(V)
Effective pixels 752(H)582 (V)
Scanning area 6.47 (H)54.83 (V) mm
Cell size 8.6 (H)58.3 (V) m
3 Scanning system 2:1 interlace
4 Scanning frequency Hor. 15.625 kHz
Vert. 50 Hz
5 Sync system Internal/external(automatic switching)
6 Signal processing Internal digital processing
(input: 9 bits, output: 8 bits)
7 Video signal output VBS 1.0 Vp-p/75
8 External sync input Black burst or VBS
Sync: 0.3 Vp-p/75
Burst: 0.3 Vp-p/75
Video: Less than 0.7 Vp-p/75
fsc = 4.433618 MHz ± 100 Hz
Includes 75 termination on/off switch
9 Resolution
Sensitivity boost
Hor. 460 lines 440 lines
Ver. 350 lines 260 lines
10 S/N (luminance signal)
More than 50 dB (AGC, enhancer and gamma OFF)
More than 48 dB (AGC OFF, enhancer:ON, gamma:ON)
11 Minimum illumination
Standard sensitivity 1.5 lx (F1.2, 3200 K, AGC 21dB)
Maximum (32) sensitivity
0.02 lx (F1.2, 3200 K, AGC 31dB)
12 Scene illumination range
0.02 to 1,000,000 lux (when using auto-iris lens)
13 Sensitivity setting AGC ON/OFF selectable
Max. gain at AGC ON settable
Sensitivity settable up to 32 5
14 White balance Selectable auto-tracking (ATW), preset (AWC), MANUAL
15 Electronic shutter lens outputs
Video signal input type lens
Luminance signal 1.0 Vp-p/ high impedance
Power supply 12 VDC 60 mA
Iris control voltage input type lens