A. Oil Charge
Charge the oil separator with the proper quantity of
lubricating oil (see Table 2 in the Installation Section).
It is imperative you charge the oil into the receiver/
separator prior to energizing the control panel to
prevent burning out the immersion heater in the
During operation, maintain the separator oil level
in the normal operating range between the two
bullseye sight glasses. If the oil level is visible only
in the lowest sight glass, add oil to the operating
compressor through the connection located at the
compressor suction inlet. Pump oil into the compres-
sor until the oil level in the separator is between the
two bullseye sight glasses. Watch this level carefully
to maintain proper operation. Never allow the oil to
reach a level higher than indicated on the highest
sight glass, since this may impair the operation and
efficiency of the oil separator portion of this combi-
nation vessel.
B. Oil Separator
The refrigerant-oil mixture is led into the first part
of oil separator. There, the first step of oil separa-
tion is performed by a combined agglomerator/
demister. At the same time, these part of the oil
separator serves as oil collector.
In the second part of the oil separator, the fine
separation of the aerosol oil portion from the re-
frigerant is performed by means of replaceable fine
oil separation cartridges. The oil separated in the
fine section of the oil separator is returned to the
compressor via an additional injection orifice.
C. Oil Filter
Change the oil filter after the first 200 hours of opera-
tion, as noted on the hour meter. Thereafter, replace
the filter every six months, or when the oil pressure
drop through the filter reaches 45 psi, whichever oc-
curs first. The pressure drop across the filter is read
on the microprocessor panel. Check the pressure
drop and record it daily.
To prepare for the removal of the filter, shut down
the compressor. Isolate the filter housing appropri-
ately. If unit is equipped with duplex filter housings
the unit does not have to be shut down, however
the filter to be serviced must be isolated before the
tank can be opened.
1. Filter Removal, VSS Units using Vilter Part
Number 1833C oil fi lter elements.
Release the pressure in the oil filter housing by
opening the bleed valves at the stop valve in the
block and bleed assembly, or at the bleed valve
for the oil filter housing. Be sure to follow all
Local, State, and Federal ordinances regarding
the recovery of refrigerants.
Drain the filter housing in to an appropriate
container and dispose of the oil in a appropriate
manner following all Local, State and Federal
ordinances regarding the disposal of used oil.
Unscrew the bolts holding the cover flange to
the tank. Remove the cover flange and spring
plate. Pull out the filter element(s). Before
reassembling, thoroughly clean the tank and
spring plate to lengthen the life span of the filter