16 2008SSD-34 (5/11)
Single-Compressor Module Operation
3.1.2 Post-Startup Checklist
Perform these checks AFTER starting the Compressor Module:
___ 1. Compressor Module builds pressure on initial startup; no unusual mechanical noise.
___ 2. Oil level is correct at minimum and maximum speeds.
___ 3. No gas leaks are present.
___ 4. No oil leaks are present.
___ 5. Oil cooler fan turn on and run at the appropriate temperature.
___ 6. Oil cooler fan speed varies with temperature.
___ 7. Compressor motor speed varies appropriately for the Packager conguration.
___ 8. Compressor continues to operate in bypass when the Compressor Module discharge is blocked.
___ 9. Compressor Module is leak tight (maintains approximately 30 psig or more when the Compressors are initially
turned off).
3.2 Initial Startup - Compressor Package
Refer to your Packager’s user manual for information on procedures to start up the Compressor Package,
which includes equipment added to the Compressor Module by the Packager.
3.3 Normal Operation Checklist
Observe the following conditions after startup—when power is applied to the VFD and the VFD receives
the signal from the Compressor Package control system to run:
___ 1. Compressor speed should range from 2400 to 4800 rpm during normal operation.
___ 2. Suction pressure range is model specic.
___ 3. Discharge pressure should range from 70 psig to 190 psig, depending on the model
(see Compressor Module Nomenclature on page iv).
___ 4. Pressure differential between suction and discharge is at least 70 psi.
___ 5. First-stage separator temperature should be between 170°F and 220°F (77-104°C) model specic.
___ 6. Oil cooler fans should either run continuously or cycle periodically under normal conditions.
If any of these conditions are not met during normal operation, shut down the unit and refer to 5.0 -
Troubleshooting on page 22.