6.3 Security Access
6.3.1 Security Levels
The Liebert FS software has two security levels: READ-ONLY and USER. Security levels restrict
access to system resources, such as EEPROM parameters, terminal commands and display panel
functions. From the Main Screen, Figure 55, the display can be locked at any time to prevent use of
Control Panel. Pressing F4 button under “LOCK” will prompt the user to enter a password to “LOCK”
the system. Once locked F4 will now read “UNLOCK” and pressing this will prompt you to enter the
Password to the system so that the user will be able to operate the Control Panel and adjust system
parameters and settings.
6.3.2 Password
READ-ONLY level has no password and it is default level at reset.
The USER level password is user-configurable and saved in EEPROM. The default USER level pass-
word is “1234”, and the password should be between 3 - 12 digits.
6.3.3 EPROM (System) Parameters
EEPROM (system) parameters can be accessed through display panel or terminal commands. They
can be read and written through terminal or display panel, but accessible parameters are limited by
security levels. The parameters for each level have different number range. Unused numbers are
reserved for future usage.
6.4 Menu Tree and Navigation
6.4.1 Screen Tree Menu Functions
The following diagram shows all of the screens accessible from the control panel and the path to bring
up these screens. The screens are used for configuring the Liebert FS for operation and accessing data
current and historical data on its performance. The screens are organized by five primary function
areas; Parameters, View, Security, About, and Tools. These are displayed on the Main Menu screen.
Some of the screens require User level or Service level passwords to access as shown in the legend
below. Refer to 6.3 - Security Access for more information on this subject.
Table 7 EEPROM parameter number ranges
Security Level Parameter Number Range
Read-Only 0 ~ 99
User (Editable) 0 ~ 99
Table 8 PCMC parameters, read-only and user (Liebert FS software)
No Parameter Name Unit Default Minimum Maximum
1 Vcharge Setpoint V 520 360 800
2 Vreg Setpoint V 510 350 790
3 Icharge Max Setpoint A 30 1 50
4 Amps per Volt Setpoint A/V 20 1 50
5 Vreg Delta Setpoint 1 V 0 0 150
6 Vreg Delta Transition (SOC) % 0 0 100
7 Vreg Delta Setpoint 2 V 0 0 150