Operational Overview
All inputs and outputs are configured as sourcing and are designed to operate from a +10 Vdc to +30 Vdc power source. The
user is responsible for limiting the output current to less than 150 mA for each digital output.
Input Function Active State
The active state of an input function can be programmed to be Active Off or Active On using PowerTools Pro. Making an
input function “Active On” means that it will be active when 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc is applied to the input line it is assigned to,
and is not active when no voltage is applied to the line. Making an input function "Active Off" means that it will be active
when no voltage is applied to the input line and not active while 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc is being applied.
Input functions which initiate motion (Jog +, Jog -, Index Initiate and Home Initiate) cannot be set “Active Off”.
The user can also make an input function "Always Active", which means that it is active regardless of whether or not it is
assigned to an input line, and, if the function is assigned to an input line, it will be active whether or not voltage is applied to
that line. This is useful for testing the drive operation before I/O wiring is complete.
Input Lines Forced On and Forced Off
An input line can be forced to a level by using the "Forced On" and "Forced Off" check boxes. When you force an input line
“On” or “Off”, all the functions assigned to that line will be affected.
The forced state of input and output lines are not saved to NVM and will be lost when the drive is powered down.
Input Line Debounce Time
The user can program a “Debounce Time” which means the line will need to be “On” for at least the debounce time before it
is recognized. This feature helps prevent false triggering in applications in noisy electrical environments.
Figure 80: Input Line Diagram
If the Input Line attached to the home sensor is debounced, the actual rising edge of the Home Sensor is used to determine
the Home Reference Position (the debounce time ensures a minimum pulse width).
Output Lines Forced On and Forced Off
You can force an output line to a level by using the Forced On and Forced Off check boxes. When you force an output line
“On” or “Off”, the output functions are not affected.
The forced state of input and output lines are not saved to NVM and will be lost when the drive is powered down.
Output Line Active State
The default active state of an output line is “Active On”. This means that the output line will supply a voltage when the result
of the logical Or of the output function(s) assigned to that output line is active.
Input Lines
Force On/Off
Input Lines
Force On/Off
Input Line
Input Line
Input Line
Raw Status