
10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
Section 5
Serial I/O
The PmT1 and PmE1 module has six TTL serial ports that are supplied by the MPC860P Pow-
erQUICC™. The MPC860P supports the serial ports with the following features:
Communications Processor Module (CPM), which includes a RISC controller, 224 buffer
descriptors, continuous mode transmission and reception on all serial channels, dual-
port RAM, fourteen serial DMA (SDMA) channels, and NMSI mode (each serial channel
can have its own pins)
Four serial communication controllers (SCCs)
Two serial management controllers (SMCs) for the console and download serial ports
Four baud rate generators that are independent (i.e., can be connected to any SCC or
SMC), allow changes during operation, and have autobaud support
Protocols in firmware for asynchronous/synchronous UARTs, HDLC, and SS7
For detailed descriptions of the MPC860P features and examples of how to implement
them, refer to the MPC860 PowerQUICC™ User’s Manual.
The physical base address of the MPC860P is FF00,0000
. The following table shows the
register block map for the CPM portion of the MPC860P. Please refer to the MPC860 Power-
QUICC™ User’s Manual for descriptions of the registers in each register block.
Table 5-1: MPC860P CPM Register Block Map
Physical Address (hex): Acronym: Register Block Name:
FF00,0930 CPM Interrupt Control
FF00,0950 Input/Output Port
FF00,0980 CPM Timers
FF00,09C0 Communication Processor
FF00,09F0 BRG Baud Rate Generators
FF00,0A00 SCC1 Serial Communications Controller 1
FF00,0A20 SCC2 Serial Communications Controller 2
FF00,0A40 SCC3 Serial Communications Controller 3
FF00,0A60 SCC4 Serial Communications Controller 4
FF00,0A82 SMC1 Serial Management Controller 1
FF00,0A9 SMC2 Serial Management Controller 2
FF00,0A82 reserved
FF00,0AE0 SI Serial Interface