Installation and Use Manual 97
Configuring the Discrete Batch Application
Index Discrete Batch Index Discrete Batch Index Discrete Batch Index Discrete Batch
If the batch totalizer is inhibited while a batch is running:
•And the
No-flow timeout batch control option (see Section B.3.2) is set to 0, no timeout alarm
will be posted.
•And the
No-flow timeout batch control option is set to a non-zero value, a timeout alarm will
be posted if the timeout period expires before batch totalizing resumes.
B.4 Running a batch
The ProLink II
Batcher Control window, shown in Figure B-4, can be used for batch operation. It
provides the same functionality as the batch process screen on the transmitter display.
Figure B-4 Batcher Control window
Batch management functions are shown at the top of the window:
• To specify the preset to use for batching, select it from the dropdown list at the top of the
Batcher Control window, and click
• The current target is displayed. Depending on the setting of
Lockout target, you may or may
not be able to change the value from this screen. To change it, enter the new target value and
• To inhibit batch or inhibit batch totalizer, check the checkboxes and click
Apply. For a
discussion of these functions, see the preceding section.
• To reset, start, stop, resume, and end a batch, use the batch control buttons. These functions
may also be assigned to a discrete event or discrete input (see Section B.3.4). For a definition
of these functions, see Table B-4.
Status of the batch application is shown at the bottom of the window. A red light indicates that the
associated condition is active.