4.4 MIB
The Management Information Base (MIB) is a formal document
declaring the specifics of the information supported by the SNMP
implementation. The administrator for the NMS (or other applications
utilizing SNMP to communicate with the Liebert units will need the
MIB in order to integrate the Liebert units into the monitoring sys-
The MIB files are contained on the CD that ships with the product.
Alternatively, the MIBs for the OpenComms Network Interface Card
are available for download at www.liebert.com. Navigate through
Products, then Site Monitoring & Software and proceed to the Open-
Comms support information area. The RCF 1628 MIB can be down-
loaded at www.ietf.org.
4.5 HTTP
Status and alarm information can be queried by Web browsers via
HTTP v1.1 (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). The data is shown in an
intuitive graphical format, akin to the unit’s front bezel controls.
These browsers have been tested and are supported:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 5.x and later
• Limited Support for: Netscape 6.0 & Opera 5
Font size may need to be adjusted on your browser for optimal view-
With appropriate NMS software and configuration, the user on recep-
tion of SNMP traps may view HTTP pages in order to view the overall
operating status of the unit – or HTTP may be used on its own to mon-
itor “on-demand” the unit operation. HTTP pages will automatically
refresh (reload) every 20 seconds and is adjustable through the service
terminal program.
4.6 Modbus RTU
See 5.0 - Modbus Communications and Connectivity for a com-
plete explanation of the Modbus slave.
4.7 System Reset
The OpenComms Network card contains an on-board real time clock
and watchdog circuitry. The card is self-monitoring and self-correct-
ing. However, a push button is provided to permit a manual system
reset. The reset push button is labeled S1 on the interface card: press
and hold it for 3 seconds before to releasing to initiate hardware reset.