
FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
Rollover value and then reset to zero and continue to count up. If rotating in the negative
direction, the master position feedback will decrease until it reaches zero, and then start over
at the Rotary Rollover value.
Master Distance Units
The parameters in this group are used to establish the scaling of the master axis into user units.
Units Name
This is a text string up to 12 characters that will be used to define the units of distance traveled
by the master axis for incoming synchronization signals.
Decimal Places
The number of decimal places set in this parameter determines the number of digits after the
decimal point used in all distance and position parameters used in synchronized motion
throughout the software. Using a high number of decimal places will improve position
resolution, but will also limit the maximum position. You can select from zero to six decimal
places of programming resolution.
The scaling factor is defined as MasterAxis.CharacteristicDistance / MasterAxis.Counts. The
numerator (top value of the scaling fraction) is the Characteristic Distance. The denominator
(bottom value of the scaling fraction) is the # of Counts. The Characteristic Distance is the
number of Master Distance Units that will be traveled per number of counts in the bottom of
the fraction. The Counts parameter is the number of incoming pulses it takes to travel the
characteristic distance.
Master Velocity Units
Decimal Places
Decimal Places determines the number of decimal places to be used in the velocity parameter
for all synchronized motion.
Master Acceleration Units
Decimal Places
The number of decimal places set in this parameter determines the number of digits after the
decimal point used in all real-time accel/decel parameters used for synchronized motion
throughout the software. Using a high number of decimal places will improve accel/decel
resolution, but will also limit the maximum accel/decel rate. You can select from zero to six
decimal places of programming resolution.