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Reference manual Foundation Fieldbus Control module
DOC.RM.QC34.E Rev: A
October, 2006
1.5.1 Resource Block
The Resource Block contains hardware and electron-
ics information. There are no linkable inputs or
outputs to the Resource Block.
1.5.2 Transducer Block
The Transducer Block is the primary interface to the
control function of the device. This Transducer Block
contains all the parameters necessary to configure
the device and set diagnostics parameters.
1.5.3 Analog Input (AI) Block
The Analog Input (AI) function block processes field
device measurements and makes this data available
to other function blocks.
The AI block supports alarming, signal scaling, signal
filtering, signal status calculation, mode control, and
simulation. The AI block is widely used for scaling
1.5.4 Discrete Output (DO) Block
The Discrete Output (DO) function block processes a
discrete setpoint then outputs the setpoint to a
specified I/O channel to produce an output signal.
The DO function block supports mode control, output
tracking, and simulation. There is no process alarm
detection in the block. In operation, the DO function
block determines its setpoint, sets the output, and, as
an option, checks a readback signal from the field
device to confirm the physical output operation.
1.5.5 Discrete Input (DI) Block
The Discrete Input (DI) function block processes a
single discrete input from a field device and makes it
available to other function blocks. The DI function
block supports mode control, signal status propaga-
tion, and simulation.
1.6 Related Information
1.6.1 F
OUNDATION Fieldbus™ Installation and
wiring guidelines
FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ Technical Overview (available
from the Fieldbus Foundation)
1.6.2 Other Related Information
Other documents containing information related to
the FieldQ Control module include:
1.604.02 Control Module data sheet
1.604.021 Diagnostics data sheet
DOC.IG.QC34.1 Installation Guide QC34 Control
Module with FOUNDATION Fieldbus™
These documents are free available for download
from www.FieldQ.com or contact your local FieldQ
1.7 Specifications, FOUNDATION Fieldbus™
Electrical Entry
2 x M20 or 1/2” NPT
Electrical Input, Fieldbus Interface
Voltage Level : 9 to 32 volts
Nominal Current : 22 mA, maximum
Reverse Polarity : Unit is not polarity sensitive
Required external : Restrict the power supply
protection current to <600mA.
Function Blocks Available
Analog Input (AI)
Discrete Input (DI)
Discrete Output (DO)
PID to Proportional/Integral/Derivative
Digital Communication Protocol
Manchester-encoded digital signal that conforms to
IEC 1158-2 and ISA 50.02
Operating Ambient Temperature Limits
-20°C to +50° C (-4° F to 122° F)
Electrical connections
Terminal Block
Optional quick connectors
Material : Aluminum Alloy
Finish : Polyester non-TGIC based powder
Enclosure : IP65 / NEMA 4X