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ETC00303(1) BINOS E e (2.0) 11/00
Rosemount Analytical
1. Technical Description
BINOS E is different from common gas analyzers as follows:
The BINOS E analyzer is assembled as a blind instrument without need of anoperation front
Communication is done via serial interface RS 232 with the Fisher-Rosemount Front Panel
Program (option) or via DPS protocol to support a user designed program.
The Front Panel Program is described in chapter 8 while chapter 9 gives information about the
DSP protocol.
Compared with NGA 2000 MLT 1 the ACU (analyzer control unit) is missing and the cardcage
is modified by replacing the optional PCB's SIO, DIO and LEM (network board) with a new
I/O board LIO (low cost I/O). Thus, BINOS E is a stand-alone analzer without network
functionality. The operation procedure is performed by an external PC via serial interface.
All components of a BINOS E analyzer are incorporated into a metal-sheet housing or a 1/2
19" housing.
The 1/2 19" housings are available as rack-mounting or table-top versions.
1.1 Front Panel
The front panel of the BINOS E analyzer shows a blind plate instead of an operation front panel.
The 1/2 19" housing front panel is shown in Fig. 1-1(rack-mountable version).
The metal-sheet versions have a blind plate too (see Fig. 1-2).
No electrical and gas connections are realized from the front panel.
At BINOS E front panel rear side (see Fig. 1-3) there are mounted different components if the
corresponding options are chosen.