Emerson Process Management Manufacturing GmbH & Co. OHGP-6
Instruction Manual
This product is certified by several agencies for the use in hazardous (classified) areas. The following
certification marks apper on the product‘s nameplate label:
Zone classification:
USA Class I Zone 1 AEx d e m IIB + H2 T4X
Canada Ex d e m IIB + H2 T4X
European Union ATEX, category 2, Zone 1, EEx d e m IIB + H2 T4X
Certified by the Canadian Standards Association, an „OSHA Nationally Recognized Testing Labor-
tory“ (NRTL) for USA and Kanada
European Union (EU)
Conforms with the provisions of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Directive 94/9/EC and CE Directive 93/68/EEC.
EC ATEX Type Examination Certificate: LCIE 00 ATEX 6009 X.
EMERSON Process Management submitted samples for type examination of conformance to a
independent Notified Body (Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques; LCIE), which issued a
type examination certificate.
Analyzer markings:
The appendix contains a copy of the type examination certificate.