Management Processor Monitor: Other Commands
10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
Definition: showpci
The sleep command executes a delay of N seconds.
Definition: Delay execution for N seconds (N is a decimal value).
sleep N
The switch_reg command reads or writes to the Ethernet core switch registers. The values
changed via this command are not persistent and clear after a hard or soft reset. Option val-
ues are as follows: switch (core or fp), port (0 - 25), block (1-7), and sub-block (0-15). “R”
reads the register contents at the address specified. “W” writes the address value to the reg-
ister address specified.
switch_reg [switch] [port op | block sub-block op [R|W]] (address) (value)
Example: The following is an example of a read of register address 0x1a.
switch_reg core 0 r 0x1a
The following is an example of a write to register address 0x1a where 0 is the data to write.
switch_reg core 0 w 0x1a 0
The version command displays the monitor’s current version number.
The vlan command creates one or more new VLANs using vid as the VLAN identification
(VID) value and deletes one or more existing VLANs whose VLAN ID matches the VLAN ID
value vid. These variables are set using a comma-separated list of port names. This com-
mand sets an untagged port-based VLAN and the VLAN table entry with the port’s default
VID. In this configuration, each port is assigned to one VLAN.
vlan add <vid1>=portlist1> <vid2>=<portlist2>…
vlan delete <vid1> <vid2>…
vlan show
Example: To create VLAN 1 on the core switch:
vlan add 1=14,15
To delete VLAN 1 on the core switch:
vlan delete 1