Reference Manual
00809-0100-4697, Rev EA
October 2011
Rosemount 848T
60 DEFINE_WRITE_LOCK Allows the operator to select how WRITE_LOCK behaves. The initial value is “lock
everything”. If the value is set to “lock only physical device” then the resource and transducer
blocks of the device will be locked but changes to function blocks will be allowed.
61 SAVE_CONFIG_NOW Allows the user to optionally save all non-volatile information immediately.
62 SAVE_CONFIG_BLOCKS Number of EEPROM blocks that have been modified since last burn. This value will count
down to zero when the configuration is saved.
63 START_WITH_DEFAULTS 0 = Uninitialized
1 = do not power-up with NV defaults
2 = power-up with default node address
3 = power-up with default pd_tag and node address
4 = power-up with default data for the entire communications stack (no application data)
64 SIMULATE_IO Status of Simulate jumper/switch
65 SECURITY_IO Status of Security jumper/switch
66 SIMULATE_STATE The state of the simulate jumper
0 = Uninitialized
1 = Jumper/switch off, simulation not allowed
2 = Jumper/switch on, simulation not allowed (need to cycle jumper/switch)
3 = Jumper/switch on, simulation allowed
67 DOWNLOAD_MODE Gives access to the boot block code for over the wire downloads
0 = Uninitialized
1 = Run Mode
2 = Download Mode
68 RECOMMENDED_ACTION Enumerated list of recommended actions displayed with a device alert.
69 FAILED_PRI Designates the alarming priority of the FAILED_ALM.
70 FAILED_ENABLE Enabled FAILED_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the FAILED_ACTIVE. A bit
on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A bit off
means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
71 FAILED_MASK Mask of FAILED_ALM. Corresponds bit for bit to FAILED_ACTIVE. A bit on means that the
condition is masked out from alarming.
72 FAILED_ACTIVE Enumerated list of failure conditions within a device.
73 FAILED_ALM Alarm indicating a failure within a device which makes the device non-operational.
74 MAINT_PRI Designates the alarming priority of the MAINT_ALM
75 MAINT_ENABLE Enabled MAINT_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the MAINT_ACTIVE. A bit
on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A bit off
means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
76 MAINT_MASK Mask of MAINT_ALM. Corresponds bit for bit to MAINT_ACTIVE. A bit on means that the
condition is masked out from alarming.
77 MAINT_ACTIVE Enumerated list of maintenance conditions within a device.
78 MAINT_ALM Alarm indicating the device needs maintenance soon. If the condition is ignored, the device
will eventually fail.
79 ADVISE_PRI Designates the alarming priority of the ADVISE_ALM
80 ADVISE_ENABLE Enabled ADVISE_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the ADVISE_ACTIVE. A
bit on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A bit off
means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
81 ADVISE_MASK Mask of ADVISE_ALM. Corresponds bit for bit to ADVISE_ACTIVE. A bit on means that the
condition is masked out from alarming.
82 ADVISE_ACTIVE Enumerated list of advisory conditions within a device.
Table 3-2. Resource Block Parameters
Number Parameter Description