Series 7400 Single Phase 1+N UPS
4.4 Remote Alarm Monitor (RAM) for Single Module & “1 + 1” UPS System.
This will contain following items:
1. Remote Alarm Monitor for Single Module #270154000001.
2. Remote Alarm Monitor for 1+1 Module #270154000003.
This unit is always used in conjunction with Alarm interface PCB
#100215120002, only. Remote Alarm Monitor enables the auxiliary
alarm signals to be displayed at a remote station upto 200 meters
from the main equipment.
The RAM is required to be mounted vertically. This is ideally
suitable for wall mounting. However, this also can be mounted
inside a panel. The cut out dimensions for the panel mounting, are
as shown in the clamps provided for wall mounting are required to
be removed. (Refer drawing).
There are total 9 alarms provided on the RAM. Each of the alarm
initiates an audible alarm warning. This is, however, subject to a
short time delay to prevent the warning being activated by transient
conditions. Pressing the reset push button cancels the audible
warning but the alarm indications remain until the condition is
rectified. A test push button is also provided to ensure that all the
LED’s are healthy.
Power Supply
The RAM contains a single-phase 230V a.c. mains driven power
supply. Power is applied through a standard two-pin mains
connector located at the backside of the RAM. This 2 pin male-
female type connector is marked as N L . The supply is rated
to approximately 10 watts and hence can be tapped from any
suitable source. This generates required DC power supply for
functional requirement of the RAM. Once AC power is available to
RAM, “POWER” indicating LED on RAM starts glowing. This
indicates that RAM is ready for operation. This power supply is
used to reproduce UPS mimic and display alarms.
Mimic and Alarm Connections
Refer figure 25 and 26.
For connection of RAM signals to interface PCB two different
connectors are provided marked as RM-1 and RM-2. RM-1 is a six
pin male-female connector and RM-2 is a 10 pin male-female
connector. Both the connectors are with screwed terminals. The
connection diagram of both the terminals with interface PCB is as
shown in connection diagram. 24V d.c.supply is available on RM-3.
This is required to be connected to M3: pin3 of Interface PCB. This
24 volts supply is required to be looped on interface PCB as shown
with star marked connections. For connecting RAM and interface
PCB’s, use multicore 1.5sq.mm. stranded conductor, flexible
copper cable. RAM actually requires 16 such cores. However, it is
advisable to provide spare cores and hence we recommend use of
24-core cable.
For connection diagram of 1+1 UPS system refer figure 27.