Reference Manual
00809-1600-4530, Rev AA
Appendix A: Commissioning Checklist
March 2015
Commissioning Checklist
A.1.2 Tank information
Completed Not completed
Short application description:
Tank type:
Vertical cylinder Horizontal cylinder Spherical Cubical
Solid product Turbulent surface
Splash loading (filling from top) Steam/heavy vapor
Insulated tank walls Condensation on antenna
Obstacles below antenna (e.g. baffles, pipes, heating coils)
Emulsion Interface measurement
Operating process temperature and pressure range:
°C °F bar psi
Product: Dielectric constant range:
< 1.4-1.9 1.9-2.5 2.5-4 4-10
>11-20 >20
Antenna type: Pipe diameter:
R - tank reference height G - offset distance
Tank diameter: Distance from transmitter to tank wall:
Strapping table Ideal sphere
Ideal horizontal cylinder Ideal vertical cylinder