54 Chapter 5 Operating SCU
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual
2. Use “” or “” to select the submenu “Settings” and press “ENT” to confirm.
System will then prompt you to input the password.
Enter Password:
3. Press "
" or "" to select the number of password digits. Enter the password
digit by digit using “
” or “”. Press “ENT” to confirm and enter the parameter
setting submenu.
Alarms Settings
Battery Settings
AC Settings
Parameter Set
DC Settings
Rect Settings
Sys Settings
Users with different password levels have different authorities. See the following
Table 5-9 Password levels and authorities
Level Authority Default password
User Configuration of general parameters 123456
User’s authority, plus resetting system, resetting
password and modifying system type.
Operator’s authority, plus modifying password of all
levels, controling alarm sound volume, browsing system
parameters that can be set only through the host
4. There are two pages of “Settings”. Shift page by using “
” or “”, and select
the parameter by using “
” or “”. Press “ENT” to confirm.
As shown in the above figure, the monitoring module divides the parameters to be
set into 6 kinds: alarms parameter, battery parameter, AC parameter, DC parameter,
rectifier parameter and system parameter.
Among which, the battery parameters are divided into 5 kinds: basic, BLVD,
charging management, battery test, temperature coefficient, and they are displayed
in two pages, as shown below: