Reference Manual
00809-0100-4811, Rev CA
February 2006
Rosemount 3300 Series
Measuring Range The measuring range differs depending on probe type and characteristics of
the application. The values given in Table 2-4 can be used as a guideline for
clean liquids.
Table 2-4. Measuring Range
The maximum measuring range differs depending on application according
• Disturbing objects close to the probe.
• Media with higher dielectric constant (ε
) gives better reflection and
allows a longer measuring range.
• A calm surface gives better reflection than a turbulent surface. For a
turbulent surface the measuring range might be reduced.
• Surface foam and particles in the tank atmosphere are also
circumstances that might affect measuring performance.
• Coating/contamination can reduce the measuring range.
• Disturbing EMC environment in tank.
Interface Rosemount 3302 is the ideal choice for measuring the interface of oil and
water, or other liquids with significant dielectric differences. It is also possible
to measure interface with a Rosemount 3301 in applications where the probe
is fully immersed in the liquid.
Figure 2-6. Interface
measurement with a Rosemount
3302 and a Rosemount 3301
(fully immersed probe).
Coaxial, Rigid twin, Flexible twin and Rigid Single lead probes can be used for
measuring interfaces. The coaxial probe is the preferred choice for clean
liquids and when the bridle is not fully immersed. In applications with a fully
immersed probe, the twin lead probes are recommended for nozzle
installations, and the rigid single lead probe is best for bridle mounting.
Coaxial Rigid Twin Lead Flexible Twin Lead Rigid Single Lead Flexible Single Lead
Maximum Measuring Range
19 ft 8 in. (6 m) 9 ft 10 in. (3 m) 77 ft 1in. (23.5 m) 9 ft 10 in. (3 m) 77 ft 1in. (23.5 m)
Minimum Dielectric Constant at Maximum Measuring Range
Standard & HP:
2.0 up to 13 ft (4 m)
2.5 up to 19 ft 8 in. (6 m)
1.6 up to 33 ft (10 m)
2.0 up to 66 ft (20 m)
2.4 up to 77 ft 1 in. (23.5 m)
(1.7 if installed in a
metallic bypass or stilling
2.5 up to 36.1 ft (11 m)
5.0 up to 66 f (20 m)
7.5 up to 77 ft 1 in. (23.5 m)
3302 3301
Interface Level
Level=Interface Level