Installation (Applicable to all Models)
Challenger 3000
2.5 Piping Considerations
All piping below the elevated floor must be located so that it offers the least resistance to air flow.
Careful planning of the piping layout under the raised floor is required to prevent the air flow from
being blocked. When installing piping on the subfloor, it is recommended that the pipes be mounted in
a horizontal plane rather than stacked one above the other. Whenever possible, the pipes should be
run parallel to the air flow.
Condensate pumps for downflow units are shipped separately to be field-installed under the raised
floor. Pump height is 11 in. (279mm).
2.5.1 Drain Line
A 3/4" (19.1mm) female pipe thread (FPT) connection is provided for the evaporator coil condensate
drain. This drain line also drains the humidifier, if applicable. The drain line must be located so it will
not be exposed to freezing temperatures. The drain should be at least the full size of the drain
connection and pitched a minimum of 1/8" per ft. (11mm per meter).
Risk of water backing up in the evaporator coil drain line. Can cause the drain pan to
overflow, resulting in building and equipment damage.
Do not install an external trap in the drain line of units without a condensate pump. This line
already has a factory-installed trap inside the cabinet.
Risk of drain line damage. Can cause water leaks resulting in furniture, equipment and
building damage.
This line may contain boiling water. Select appropriate drain system materials.
Units with a condensate pump will require a field-supplied trap downstream from the pump.
The drain line must comply with all applicable national, state and local plumbing codes.
Table 2 Piping connection size
Air-Cooled Unit Connection Sizes—in.
Model No. BF/BU
(50 Hz)
Liquid Line O.D. Copper
Hot Gas Line OD Copper
042A (040A) 3/8 5/8
067A (065A) 1/2 7/8
Split System Fan Coil Unit Connection Sizes—in.
Model No. BF/BU (50 Hz) Liquid Line
Suction Line
036E (035E) 5/8 - 18 Female (#6 QC) 1-1/8 - 12 Female (#11 QC)
060E (059E) 1/2 OD Cu 1-1/8 OD Cu
All Units: Connection Sizes—in.
Humidifier Line
OD Copper
Drain Line
Condensate Pump Line
OD Copper
Hot Water Reheat
OD Copper
1/4 3/4 FPT 1/2
5/8 5/8
Water/Glycol-Cooled Unit Connection Sizes—inches
Model No. BF/BU
(50 Hz)
Supply Line
Return Line
046WG (045WG) 7/8 7/8
071WG (070WG) 1-1/8 1-1/8
GLYCOOL Unit Connection Sizes —in.
Model No. BE/BK
(50 Hz)
Supply Line
Return Line
061G (058G) 1-1/8 1-1/8