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Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 23 • Help Screen
Use this screen to receive help on other setpoint screens
contained within the software. These help fi les can be
accessed from any screen. The help fi les describe the
functionality of that screen as well as compressor opera-
tion, see Figure 23-1. Help Screen.
Screen Features:
Manual Tab:
• Contains the list of available manual sections to be
displayed in the display window.
USB tab:
• The operator as the option to view other manuals,
typically Vilter compressor manuals on the Vission
20/20 from a USB drive. If there are any PDF type
documents on a connected USB drive, the names
will be listed in this section. The operator will have to
navigate through the fi le structure of the USB drive to
fi nd the documents. The top box in the USB drive will
display any USB drives mounted to the Vission 20/20
• Touching one of the listed USB devices will select that
device and list any fi les or PDF documents contained
on the USB drive. Selecting a folder will open that
folder and display any sub-folders of PDF documents.
• Pressing the unmount button will disconnect the USB
drive from the Vission 20/20 operating system. Once
the device has been remove from the device list, the
USB drive can be safely removed
• Pressing this button will reread the USB ports and dis-
play any new USB drives.
Figure 23-1. Help Screen