Reference Manual
00809-0100-4514, Rev BA
January 2008
Rosemount 1154
Store all spare transmitters and spare component parts in accordance with
ANSI N45.2.2 level B.
Qualified transmitters, spare circuit boards, spare O-rings: the qualified life (as
defined in Qualification Test Report D8400102) plus the shelf life is equal to
the typical design life of the plant (40 years) when the ambient storage
temperature is below 90 °F.
Lubricants and sealant: The date of the end of shelf life (use by date) is
provided with the lubricants and/or sealant, at the time of shipment. The
product has a minimum of six months shelf life at the time
of shipment.
All other parts: Shelf life is not applicable.
IMPORTANT NOTICE There are factors to consider concerning maintenance of qualification and
traceability during on-site instrument repair because of the nuclear use
intended for these parts. Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. rigidly
controlled the original assembly of the instrument to ensure that the
specifications were met. Since we are not installing the replacement parts in
the instruments, Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. is unable to ensure
that the specifications are being satisfied. Replacing parts has
ramifications under 10CFR21, for which the user is responsible. These
same regulations additionally mandate a component traceability program,
which the user must undertake for the replacement parts. In view of this, and
in order to maintain the qualification of the product, the user must ensure that
all replacement parts are installed in accordance with the Rosemount Nuclear
Instruments, Inc. approved installation and calibration procedures herein.
1. Rosemount 1154 spare parts are not hydrostatic tested or nuclear
2. Part numbers shown may differ from those currently supplied. The
part numbers shown are current at the time of printing of this manual,
but may be revised in the future. Parts provided are compatible and
interchangeable with those listed on your order as to the form, fit, and
function of the part required. Please adjust your needs accordingly.