Dynamic Reconfiguration
PowerPath Administration on Solaris
Removing an HBA
From a PowerPath
To use DR to remove an HBA from a Solaris host in a PowerPath
configuration, follow these steps:
1. Correlate the
c#t#d#s# device special files of the HBA being
removed with the PowerPath adapter number for that HBA. The
PowerPath adapter number is used in the
powermt remove adapter command later in this procedure.
On 10000 class systems:
• Start the
dr shell. Enter:
The prompt changes to dr>.
• From within the
dr shell, list the devices and corresponding
c#t#d#s# device special files on the I/O board being removed.
For example, for I/O board 1, enter:
drshow 1
The command returns output like the following:
I/O Bus Controllers and Devices for Board 1
----------- I/O Bus 1 : Slot 0 : esp0 ----------
device opens name usage
------ ----- ---- -----
sd838 4 /dev/dsk/c2t0d1s2 /test
displays all device special files that point to HBAs on
the I/O board. In the example above, board 1 Slot 0 has a
single device (HBA) attached named c2t0d1s2.
CTRL-D to exit the dr shell.
• Associate the device special file (identified above with
drshow) with a PowerPath adapter number. Enter:
powermt display dev=all