2. Mounting the Rotalux Softbox on the Elinchrom ash-unit:
A) Turn the locking ring of the ash unit (mounted on the tripod), anti
clockwise to unlock the bayonet. Remove the protective cap from
the ash unit anti clockwise.
B) Ensure that the locking knob on the speed ring is tightened (see
2.C). Insert the Rotalux speed ring and turn clock wise. It clicks into
place. Turn the locking ring clockwise to lock the bayonet with the
Rotalux speed ring attached.
C) The angle of the Rotalux softbox can be adjusted with the revolving
system. Unlock the locking knob of the speed ring and turn the
softbox into the desired position. Make sure that the speed ring is
locked in the bayonet of the ash unit whilst turning the softbox.
NOTE: The speed ring and the locking knob may become
hot when the Rotalux is in use. Protect your hands with heat
resistant gloves and switch off the unit and disconnect it from
the mains, when you need to adjust the softbox angle.
D) Attach the diffusing cloths of the softbox.
E) Fix the cloths with the Velcro-fastening tapes along the softbox sides
and edges.