Test and ready
9 Cell
light controls
Power display
The actual ash power is displayed in a f-stop compatible format.
The power range is 5 f-stops. The digital display, provides continuous power indication of the ash
and modelling lamp. The controls cover a continuous output range from full power 1/1 to 1/16th in
1/10th, f-stop intervals.
During charging or discharging, the display "ashes". In case of overheating or malfunction, the
display shows «ER» for error.
The "Style 100BX - 400BX" units have an integrated discharge system, protected by a thermic switch.
To avoid overheating, lower power settings of more than 2f-stop, can be discharged manually by releasing
the ash with the «Test» touch button.
The photocell is actived when the green LED (on the touch pad 9) is illuminated.
When switched ON, the unit can be remotely triggered by another ash unit !
The Style BX photocell is specially designed to work under ambiant light conditions in your
studio. Direct light or other strong light sources may reduce the sensitivity of the cell.
In difcult situations e.g. blinding, sunlight or obstacles, the additional cell with 5 m cord
(extensions available) solves most problems.
Digital power display