
Block Diagram:
U.S.A. and Canada only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
800/392-3497 Fax: 800/955-6831
Europe, Africa, and Middle East only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
+ 49 9421-706 0 Fax: + 49 9421-706 265
Other International locations. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
+ 1 952 884-4051 Fax: + 1 952 887-9212
For warranty repair or service information, contact the Service Repair department at:
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at: 866/78AUDIO
Specifications subject to change without notice.
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952/884-4051, Fax: 952/884-0043
© Telex Communications, Inc. 8/2006
Part Number 38110-081 Rev C
Frequency Response:
To p
Performance Match:
Force i -- 15” Two-Way Full-Range Speaker System
Force i Monitor -- 12” Two-Way Flooor Monitor
CP2200 Power Amplifier
Dimension Drawings:
WARNING: Care must be taken when moving the
Force i Sub with the detachable handle. The handle
has been carefully tested to move the Force i Sub and
to last a long time. However, the Force i Sub and its
handle aren’t designed to be an equipment dolly or for
pulling the speaker up stairs. Exercise caution when
using the handle. The EV speaker warranty does not
cover the removable handle or the inserts in the
enclosure that can be damaged by careless handling.
The 3-stage expandable
luggage style handle that
comes with the Force i Sub can
be easily removed by simply
pushing down on the spring-
loaded clip near the bottom of
the enclosure.