12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: 952/884-4051, Fax: 952/884-0043
© Bosch Communications Systems 05/2009
Part Number LIT000281003 Rev A
U.S.A. and Canada only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
800/392-3497 Fax: 800/955-6831
Europe, Africa, and Middle East only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
+ 49 9421-706 0 Fax: + 49 9421-706 265
Other Internatonal locations. For customer orders, Contact Customer Service at:
+ 1 952 884-4051 Fax: + 1 952 887-9212
For warranty repair or service information, contact the Service Repair department at:
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at: 866/78AUDIO
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Dimension Drawings:
Front ViewEnd View
This EVH Loudspeaker should be suspended overhead
only in accordance with the procedures and limitations
specified in the EVF/EVH Users Manual and possible
manual update notices. This system should be suspended
with certified rigging hardware by an authorized rigging
professional and in compliance with local, state, and fed-
eral overhead suspension ordinances.
ACC000084-000 CDNL4, Cover Plate, Dual NL4•
ACC000085-000 CSG, Cover Plate, Single Gland Nut•
ACC000086-000 CDG, Cover Plate, Dual Gland Nut•
ACC000087-000 TK-150, 70V Transformer, 150W•
ACC000089-001 HRK-1B, Horiz. Rigging Kit, EVF, Black•
ACC000089-002 HRK-1W, Horiz. Rigging Kit, EVF, White•
ACC000090-001 HRK-2B, Horiz. Rigging Kit, EVF-SUB, Black•
ACC000090-002 HRK-2W, Horiz. Rigging Kit, EVF-SUB, White•
ACC000091-001 HRK-3B, Horiz. Rigging Kit, EVH, Black•
ACC000091-002 HRK-3W, Horiz. Rigging Kit, EVH, White•
ACC000092-001 VRK-1B, Vert. Rigging Kit, EVF, Black•
ACC000092-002 VRK-1W, Vert. Rigging Kit, EVF, White•
ACC000093-001 VRK-2B, Vert. Rigging Kit, EVF-SUB, Black•
ACC000093-002 VRK-2W, Vert. Rigging Kit, EVF-SUB, White•
ACC000094-001 VRK-3B, Vert. Rigging Kit, EVH, Black•
ACC000094-002 VRK-3W, Vert. Rigging Kit, EVH, White•
EVH-1152S/96 Part Numbers
PRD000217-001 EVH-1152S/96-BLK, 90° x 60°, Black Finish•
PRD000217-002 EVH-1152S/96-WHT, 90° x 60°, White Finish•
PRD000217-003 EVH-1152S/96-PIB, 90° x 60°, Black Finish, •
Weather Resistant
PRD000217-004 EVH-1152S/96-PIW, 90° x 60°, White Finish, •
Weather Resistant
PRD000217-005 EVH-1152S/96-FGB, 90° x 60°, Black Finish, •
Weather Resistant Fiberglass
PRD000217-006 EVH-1152S/96-FGW, 90° x 60°, White Finish, •
Weather Resistant Fiberglass
Rear ViewSide View
Performance Match
PRD000211 EVF-1121S, 12” Bass Element•
PRD000212 EVF-1151S, 15” Bass Element•
PRD000213 EVF-1181S, 18” Bass Element•
PRD000214 EVH-1152S/64, Coaxial 60° x 40° Coverage•
PRD000215 EVH-1152S/66, Coaxial 60° x 60° Coverage•
PRD000216 EVH-1152S/94, Coaxial 90° x 40° Coverage•
PRD000218 EVH-1152S/99, Coaxial 90° x 90° Coverage•
F.01U.076.843 CPS2.9, 120V Power Amplifier, 2 x 900W•
F.01U.076.844 CPS2.12, 120V Power Amplifier, 2 x 1200W•
D170469 CPS4.5, 120V Power Amplifier, 4 x 500W •
D170466 CPS4.10, 120V Power Amplifier, 4 x 1000W•