tActicAl SuPPort ActionS
lEvEl ScorEcHAin
offEnSivE DEfEnSivE DEfEnSivE
PointS bonuS
1 50 Mortar Strike INTEL/UAV 30
2 100 Rocket attack Ammo I 40
3 175 Missile Armor I 40
4 250 Artillery Ammo II 50
5 350 Strafing run Jammer (counter) 50
6 450 Air strike Ammo III 60
7 600 Cruise Missile Armor II 100
gAmE moDES
Game mode
Global kill message
Mission objective
Game messages
Local kill message
Score chain
support action
support action
gAmE ScrEEn (multiPlAyEr)
Medal of Honor offers several multiplayer gameplay modes that support up to 24 players for 12-on-12
combat. Each mode is accessible via pre-programmed playlists. Playlists can be composed of several
gameplay modes, which are cycled randomly in online matches, or one single mode.
If there are not enough players present on a server, the match begins with a preround. This gives
players a chance to get a brief preview of the map. No points are tracked in the preround, though
players can move and shoot. The preround continues until the minimum number of players necessary
to begin the game joins the match.
After the preround is complete, or if no preround is needed, players proceed to the warm-up. While
warming up, players can select their load-out and get ready to go into combat. Players are frozen in
place until the match is ready to begin. After a brief countdown, the players unfreeze and are able to
begin the battle.
While playing, if the number of players drops below the minimum threshold, the match returns to the
preround to give other players a chance to join and repopulate the match. This ensures that every
server is appropriately populated for combat.
combAt miSSion
Coalition forces must clear five consecutive objectives to win. OPFOR serves as the opposing force and
are going to stop the coalition forces at any cost. Clearing objectives unlocks new areas of the map,
which then reveals what the next objective of the coalition forces is.
Combat Mission is played on three different maps, with five objectives per map. Objectives vary from
match to match and map to map. Players secure downed choppers, eliminate mortar stations, and
perform other story-based actions.
In Combat Mission, the coalition forces start out as attackers and OPFOR as defenders. After each
round, the sides switch, allowing both teams to have a chance to be on the offensive.
The Team Health meter represents the remaining coalition reinforcements. If the Team Health meter is
depleted before the current objective is cleared, the match ends and the coalition forces are stopped in
their tracks. When completing objectives, coalition forces gain some Team Health. If the coalition forces
complete all five objectives, they claim victory.
tEAm ASSAult
Team Assault is a team-based combat mode. The two teams struggle to reach a certain number of
points to win the match. Each kill is counted, so take down OPFOR to increase the team’s points.
Team Assault is a 12-on-12 no-holds-barred battle on a confined area of a map. The two teams are
fighting for kills and points.
This is by far the most direct of the game modes. Players instantly respawn and return to battle. The in-
game map shows the position of friendly players and ammo crates. After one complete match, the map
cycles to the next one in the playlist.