mulTiplayer race days
Go head-to-head with challengers around the corner or around the world via Multiplayer Race
cusTom maTch
Custom Match in Need for Speed ProStreet is presented through the Race Day feature. Select
Race Day from the Main menu and choose to create your own Multiplayer Race Day or join a
Freestyle Race Day. For Freestyle Race Days use the online Traffic indicators on the Race Day
Map to find matches with other Xbox LIVE Players.
mulTiplayer cusTom race days
To launch a multiplayer Custom Race Day, see Custom Race Days (see p. 6)
mulTiplayer FreesTyle race days
To join a Freestyle Race Day:
1. Select RACE DAY in the Main menu.
2. Select a Freestyle Race Day from the Race Day Map and choose MULTIPLAYER. The game
searches for any existing online matches for that Race Day.
Note: The Race Day Map shows the level of online multiplayer activity for each Freestyle Race
Day, allowing you to choose the Race Day that has the most players online.
Share your custom Race Days and blueprints with your friends online.
To share a custom Race Day or blueprint:
1. Select SHARE in the Main menu. Your list of friends appears.
2. Choose a friend you wish to share with and select SHARE, then select either SHARE RACE
on some screens will also display the list of friends.
3. Select the race day or blueprint you wish to share and press
. The item is shared.
Note: A shared version of your blueprint is created when you share a new blueprint. This
blueprint is locked and is now a ranked blueprint. You must apply the shared version of a
blueprint to your car in order to record online stats with that blueprint.
To accept a shared custom Race Day or blueprint:
1. Select “Share” from the Main Menu to display a list of friends. Toggle to the “Sharing Inbox”.
2. Select the shared custom race day or blueprint to accept and download the item.
limited 90-day WarraNty
elecTronic arTs limiTed warranTy
Electronic Arts warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the recording medium on which the software
program(s) are recorded (the “Recording Medium”) and the documentation that is included with this product (the
“Manual”) are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If
the Recording Medium or the Manual is found to be defective within 90 days from the date of purchase, Electronic Arts
agrees to replace the Recording Medium or Manual free of charge upon receipt of the Recording Medium or Manual at its
service center, postage paid, with proof of purchase. This warranty is limited to the Recording Medium containing the
software program and the Manual that were originally provided by Electronic Arts. This warranty shall not be applicable
and shall be void if, in the judgment of Electronic Arts, the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment or neglect.
This limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written, express or implied, including any
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permitted by law. This warranty gives you specific rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
reTurns wiThin The 90-day warranTy period
Please return the product along with (1) a copy of the original sales receipt showing the date of purchase, (2) a brief
description of the difficulty you are experiencing, and (3) your name, address and phone number to the address
below and Electronic Arts will mail a replacement Recording Medium and/or Manual to you. If the product was damaged
through misuse or accident, this 90-day warranty is rendered void and you will need to follow the instructions for
returns after the 90-day warranty period. We strongly recommend that you send your products using a traceable
delivery method. Electronic Arts is not responsible for products not in its possession.
ea warranTy inFormaTion
If the defect in the Recording Medium or Manual resulted from abuse, mistreatment or neglect, or if the Recording
Medium or Manual is found to be defective after 90 days from the date of purchase, choose one of the following options
to receive our replacement instructions:
Online: http://warrantyinfo.ea.com
Automated Warranty Information: You can contact our automated phone system 24 hours a day for any and all
warranty questions:
US 1 (650) 628-1001
ea warranTy mailinG address
Electronic Arts Customer Warranty
P.O. Box 9025
Redwood City, CA 94063-9025
Package Cover Illustration: Bl:nd
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RenderWare is a trademark or registered trademark of Criterion Software Ltd. Portions of this software are Copyright
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This game incorporates dynamic advertisement serving technology offered by Massive Inc. which enables advertising
to be temporarily uploaded into the game on your PC or console, and replaced while you play online. Massive only logs
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