2.5 Auto DMX
This function will auto sort the DMX address in sequence for those collocated Fixtures.
-In ML Mode, press Menu, choose Next and then choose Auto DMX
-Choose Yes, the Moving Lights will sort in sequence
-Choose No to exit
3. Controlling Fixtures
3.1 Selecting Fixture
Select the Fixtures that you want to control using the bump buttons. You can select fixtures indi-
vidually or several at a time. You can control fixtures directly with the fader control of the bump. The
value is the exact figure of the Fader. The attribute of Pan, Tilt, and Color for the Moving Light is
controlled by the Pan, Tilt, Color Faders. The other attributes of the Moving Light should be selected
by softkey. While the Fader is pushed upward the value is increased, and when the Fader is pushed
downward the value is decreased. If you press the Bump (of Pan, Tilt...) to hold the output value, the
value will not change while adjusting the Fader.
3.2 Selecting the other Attributes of Moving Light
-In ML Mode, press the Bump button that the desired Moving Light fixture is allocated to.
-Press the related softkey to assign attributes to the Attribute Fader. Adjust the Attribute
Fader to control the Attribute value.
3.3 Using the Clear Buffer key in ML Mode
While the user sets channel values of a Moving Light, the console provides a space for its channel
information. This is called the “Scene Buffer”. If the user wants to clear up the channel informa-
tion, the ClearBuffer key should be used to clear it. It is recommended that the CLEAR BUFFER key
pressed after each scene has been saved to a playback.
4. Preset Palette
When controlling a fixture, you may find that you frequently use specific positions, colors, gobos,
etc. Like an artists palette, your console allows you to recall them. There are 10 pages of 10 palette
entries. The Preset Pallettes must be created in the Trio Profile creator program. When your fixture is
patched to your Trio, all pallette information will also load.
Recalling a Palette Value
Select the fixture to be changed. Shared palettes can be set to all fixture of the same type.
-In ML Mode, press the Bump button in which you have allocated the ML fixture to.
-Press the A key to choose Preset Pallet. The LCD display will show:
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