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DHCP setting
This topic is applicable if you are using a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
server in your network. This type of server is set up to provide IP addresses for new
devices as they log onto a network. As the operation of the NPC-1 requires a fixed IP
address, we strongly recommend that you establish an IP reservation list in DHCP to
maintain fixed IP assignments based on the NPC-1’s MAC address. The MAC address
can be found on the bottom panel of the NPC-1 or by accessing the MAC address
through a search function in the NetControl software.
Follow the instructions for selecting a NPC-1 device to pick a NPC-1 device from the
search list. You will see the actual data for the projector location, IP address, netmask,
gateway and DHCP setting in the edit fields.
The NPC-1 device is shipped with DHCP setting off (check box is NOT checked).
If you are unsure about changing the DHCP setting please ask your system administra-
tor. Click the Change button to save the DHCP setting.
You can close the window by clicking on the Close Tool button.
manual.pmd 3/18/2003, 6:32 PM13