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Rugged and Durable
Log Splitters
Model Engine Size Weight Wedge Tonnage Max. Tires
(LxWxH) (Lbs.) (LxWxH) Log Length
LS21160* Honda GC 76.69" x 45" x 39" 380 7.625"x5"x7.375" 21 24" Carlisle Sure Trail
160cc Wide Angle 4.8-8
LS27270* Honda GX 76.69" x 45" x 39" 415 7.625"x5"x7.375" 27 24" Carlisle Sure Trail
270cc Wide Angle 4.8-8
LS33340* Honda GX 76.69" x 45" x 39" 447 7.625"x5"x7.375" 33 24" Carlisle Sure Trail
330cc Wide Angle 4.8-8
*Also Available as a T-model - T-models come standard with a VIN tag, fenders, & towing lights.
A log splitter that does the work for you!
The Wide Angle Wedge (shown
above) quickly splits logs.
Operates in both the vertical and
horizontal positions.
75846-12 Log Cradle Extension
75896-00 Quick Split Kit
75899-00 Throttle Back Kit
75908-00 Log Splitter Light Kit
Model LS27270